
Monday, May 25, 2020

A Presentation Of A Swedish Man By Alfred Nobel - 1307 Words

A Swedish man by the name of Alfred Nobel, is credited for designing the Nobel Prizes. This former chemist, engineer, and inventor, known for being a technical genius, started giving these prizes in 1901. Alfred Nobel did this simply because he wanted to award and give back to those who had done their best to benefit mankind in either one of the six categories; physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, peace, or economic science. Every year, on December 10th, there is a presentation speech on the laureates work and their discovery. The presentation takes place after the King of Sweden hands the laureate their prize. The prize awarded to the laureate consists of a medal, a personal diploma, and money. This yearly tradition has been going on for over 100 years. It has been awarded 573 times to 900 different people and organizations. Martin Luther King was 1 out of the 900 people who have been awarded a Nobel Prize. Just like King, who specifically won a Nobel Peace Prize, Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter, and Nelson Mandela are a few other laureates who have also had the pleasure of receiving the same prize. Martin Luther King, a negro leader during the civil rights movement, had one goal. His goal consisted of ending racial justice and establishing a reign of freedom. King wanted to lead the negroes in speaking out against the white race for the cruel punishment they received. On behalf all negroes and their feelings, King finally thought it was time to speak up and share theShow MoreRelated Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen Essay2023 Words   |  9 Pagesfound a room with the family of a cabinetmaker. There he started writing his first book, called Question for the Inorganic Part of the Chemistry Textbook;, under the pen name of Dr J. W. Gunning. As you probably figured out that was the name of the man he had lived with in the past. People tried to find the real author but all they could find were the initials W.C.R. Wilhelm would later go to school in another college called Swiss Federal Technical School in Zurich, Switzerland. He was awarded a DoctorRead MoreLangston Hughes Research Paper25 309 Words   |  102 PagesHughes, in Toluca, Mexico. Langston had not seen his father since he was a small child, and he was excited about making the trip. However, during this visit, no affectionate bond would develop between Langston and Jim. Jim Hughes was a cold, difficult man, who was driven by ambition to make money and achieve respect. He had moved to Mexico to avoid segregation and racial injustice in the United States. 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In the ï ¬ nal section, we present a moderately structured framework that we believe can help you to prepare effective written and oral presentations. Written and oral communication skills also are valued highly in many organisational settings; hence, their development today can serve you well in the future. SKILLS GAINED THROUGH USE OF THE CASE ANALYSIS METHOD The case analysis method isRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesprimarily by opportunities for economic advancement—including the massive movement of rural agriculturalists to rapidly growing urban areas—but also the often-neglected displacements of populations that resulted from the wars, revolutions, and natural and man-made disasters of the twentieth century. 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The Importance of Project Management Project Management Today—An Integrative Approach Summary Text Overview 2 All of mankind’s greatest accomplishments—from building the great pyramids to discovering a cure for polio to putting a man on the moon—began as a project. This is a good time to be reading a book about project management. Business leaders and experts have proclaimed that project management is a strategic imperative. Project management provides people with a powerful set

Friday, May 15, 2020

Interpersonal Communication Essays - 1338 Words

Although there are several problems that can diminish the effectiveness of interpersonal communication, some tactics can be used in order to minimize these failures in communication. A recent visit to a hotel sparked a perfect example of this communication opportunity between a patron and the hotels front desk employee. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;First of all, the history of the confrontation between the patron and the hotels front desk employee was clouded with expectations and assumptions. For example, the patron made a reservation for a room by using the hotel chains national reservation center. This center, in turn, is obligated to give the information to the individual hotels so that the hotels can then honor the reservations†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There were several other conditions that contributed to the communication breakdown between the hotel employee and the patron. For instance, the hotel employee did not at first give his full attention to the conversation with the patron. By not fully attending the situation, the patron felt that he was being somewhat ignored or that his problem was not terribly important to the employee even though it was extremely important to the patron (Bolton 26). Moreover, had there existed more initial eye contact between the emplo yee and the patron, positive feelings between the two could have been greatly increased (DeVito 124). After all, eye contact quot;expresses interest and a desire to listenquot; (Bolton 29). Without this eye contact, the patron likely felt that the employee had no desire to really listen. In addition, the environment was not conducive towards effective communication. For example, the employee was forced to handle several phone calls, requests from other patrons, and interruptions from other employees during the confrontation with the patron. Because he was not acting like an effective listener, the employee did not attempt to minimize these environmental distractions (Bolton 30) and conveyedShow MoreRelatedInterpersonal Communication753 Words   |  4 PagesTitle Student’s Name COM200: Interpersonal Communication Instructor’s Name Date (Sample March 19, 2014) Introduction- Thesis Statement * If you’re having difficulties writing a thesis, use the thesis generator in the Ashford Writing Center - https://awc.ashford.edu/writing-tools-thesis-generator.html. Remember, a thesis should make a claim – a definitive statement – about some issue. Here is an example: Effective communication is the most important factor in a successful relationshipRead MoreInterpersonal Communication Essay952 Words   |  4 PagesI. Introduction AND Thesis Statement Interpersonal communication is key to the life of a healthy relationship or marriage. Without communicating relationships and marriage will end failing. One of the biggest challenges with interpersonal communication lies in our ability to share our thoughts and concerns, conducted by feelings, desires, goals and needs, with another person 1) Explain the principles of and barriers to effective interpersonal communications. (You don’t have to list the objectivesRead MoreInterpersonal Communication And The Self1351 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout this semester in communications I have learned a lot about myself, how to deal with others, relationships, and more. There were some lessons that stood out to me the most, and that I thought about after class. The first was in chapter 3 about interpersonal communication and the self. During this chapter, we took a piece of paper and put four people that we knew down. We chose someone who we were just getting to know, and then others that we knew very well or that were very close to usRead MoreInterpersonal Communication1053 Words   |  5 PagesInterpersonal Communication Interpersonal communication is defined by Michael Cody as: the exchange of symbols used to achieve interpersonal goals(28). Does this definition include everything, or does it only include certain things?. When we are dealing with the issue of interpersonal communication we must realize that people view it differently. In this paper I will develop my own idea or definition of what interpersonal communication is. I will then proceed to identify any important assumptionsRead MoreInterpersonal Communication2332 Words   |  10 PagesAbstract Interpersonal communication is a form of communication involving people who are dependent upon each other and with a common history. There are various aspects of interpersonal communication that can be discussed. This paper looks at the principles of interpersonal communication, its barriers and relationship with emotional intelligence. Four principles are identified, which are: interpersonal communication is inescapable; interpersonal communication is irreversible; interpersonal communicationRead MoreInterpersonal Communication Elements2395 Words   |  10 PagesInterpersonal communication is cyclic in nature. The message I sent and then feedback is given to complete the communication cycle. As it is on going hence the relationship that is impersonal at the beginning turns into interpersonal where one person is at times the sender and at other times the receiver. A. Source [sender] – Receiver:  Interpersonal communication involves at least 2 individuals. Each person formulates and sends message [sender activity] and at the same time receives and comprehendsRead MoreInterpersonal Communication And The Workplace946 Words   |  4 PagesInterpersonal communication in the workplace is developed positively or negatively on the individual relationships we have combined with our human behaviors and human actions within each of those relationships. There are many things that can affect interpersonal communications within the workplace, from generational that create technological gaps, to diversity and tolerance it creates, and finally the type of workplace, is it a team environment encouraging inclusiveness within the organization orRead MoreInterpersonal Communication Skill Of Feedback983 Words   |  4 PagesThe interpersonal communication skill of feedback is essential for hospital nurses to give a suitable care to each patient because it enables the nurses to learn, and improve their motivation, performance and efficiency that assist to achieve their goal which is to help the patients heal. The interpersonal communication skill of feedback is a system of conveying information between two people regarding the receiver’s performance (Baker et al. 2013). In general, feedback is employed to deliver informationRead MoreInterpersonal Communication1292 Words   |  6 Pages | | | |Interpersonal Communication | | Read MoreThe Effects Of Interpersonal Competence On Interpersonal Communication1053 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Interpersonal competence is an aspect of communication that is rarely given attention despite being a crucial facet of human interaction. In fact, Beebe et al. argue that it is comparable to breathing for being do critical to human growth (2). According to Beebe et al., this aspect of communication is necessary to maintain relationships and to improve affairs between lovers (6-7). To enhance our competence in interpersonal communication, we need to learn and master ways of verbally relating

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Poems of John Donne and George Herbert Presenting a...

The ideas that are received from the poems of John Donne and George Herbert present us with a very distinct view on God, and more generally, religion. Both were writing in the late 1500s and early 1600s; however the methodologies used by each are very distinct. George Herbert (1593 - 1633), born later than John Donne (1572 - 1631), largely followed Donne’s poetic style, however incorporating slight changes: the diction that is evident in Herbert’s poetry is much simpler than Donne’s diction, and the metaphors are also easier to comprehend. What both have in common, is the colloquial manner, the logic arrangement of the poems argument and therefore the persuasive nature of the poetry. In Donne’s poetry, this logical arrangement†¦show more content†¦An example of this is Herbert’s looking towards the Bible for stylistic inspiration rather than to alien imagery and ideas of Donne. Another very important and distinctive characteristic of the poetry is Herbert’s introduction of two quiet final lines, resolving the previously mentioned argument within the poem, without answering any specific points mentioned. The doubts in faith and religion are expressed in intellectual terms by Donne, and the argument is answered in this intellectual style too. Herbert, although occasionally exploring the doubts in an intellectual manner, answers his doubts with emotion. In this specific way, Herbert conveys an explicit insight that one is unable to argue or reason with God; one is aware of God’s presence or one lacks this awareness and guidance. This expression of doubt and the lack of emotion mitigated by Donne in his poetry can be seen as John Carey’s view on this topic. The different developments which their poetic works underwent throughout both poets career is also another point which must be considered. Donne transformed the love poetry he wrote in his early days, beginning in 1617 with the death of h is wife Anne More, to religious poetry with a strong sense of awareness of death and its import. This poetic development from classical poetry to more personal poetry reflects the events that marked his own life, and can be traced throughout his poetry. This kind of personal and thereby

Essay on The Likelihood of Becoming a Film Editor - 602 Words

Have you ever thought of what career path you would like to follow when you grow older? Everyday young people inch closer and closer to the time of decision for the career they would like to pursue for the rest of their life. This one decision can often be influenced by the current economy condition and how much money you can earn yearly or monthly. Recession and its’ effects In 2008 many people were changing and choosing to take a different career path due to unstable economic condition. Some causes of the recession in 2008 include a sudden rise in price of oil, â€Å"irresponsible† usage of Loan, and a weak Dollar (Governing). Right before the recession many American citizens were charging items to their credit cards and then not paying off†¦show more content†¦They work with cinematographers and sound editors to bring sight and sound together within a movie. There are several different tasks a film editor must engage in throughout the making of a movie: they read the shooting script and meet with the director to understand their vision for the film. Editors visit the locations during filming to gain a sense of how the shooting is progressing. They go through footage, once shooting is done, and select scenes based on how well they fit in with the story line and how effective the scene is at capturing the audience’s attention. The editor looks for the best combination of photography, performance, consistency and timing. Film Editors trim the segments of footage to the lengths needed for the film and assemble them into the best order to tell the story (How Stuff Works). Statistics and Salary of a Film Editor The current salary for a film editor is, for the tenth percentile, $25,660. For the twenty-fifth percentile the salary is $34,580. The fiftieth or median percentile salary is $51,300. If you’re a more experience film editor and you land in the seventy-fifth percentile the average salary is $79,380. If you are an excellent editor the average salary is $119,250. From research I discovered locations in which one may have a good chance of becoming a film editor. Those locations include California, New York, Florida,Show MoreRelatedPositive Effects Of Celebrity Worshipping On Society1901 Words   |  8 PagesA celebrity is a famous person more often in areas about entertainment such as music, sports, films, and writing. Celebrity worship, on the other hand, involves an addictive and obsessive disorder where someone becomes excessively interested and involved in the personal life of a celebrity. The worshipping occasionally comes with either positive or negative effect depending on the behavior, and character one picks from such high profile personalities. In this research paper, we are going to focusRead MoreRenting and Netflix8217 Words   |  33 Pagesreferred to as video-on-demand (VOD), would quickly impact the large user base for Netflix’s core business. Hastings looked across the third floor of the office building and the conference rooms named for some of his staff’s favorite films. A love of movies clearly ran deep among Netflix employees, and he was confident that one way or another, his team would maintain the company’s position as a leader in the home video market. But, as he reflected upon the years of investmentRead MoreMetz Film Language a Semiotics of the Cinema PDF100902 Words   |  316 PagesFILM LANGUAGE FILM LANGUAGE A Semiotics of the Cinema Christian Metz Translated by Michael Taylor The University of Chicago Press Published by arrangement with Oxford University Press, Inc. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 60637  © 1974 by Oxford University Press, Inc. All rights reserved. English translation. Originally published 1974 Note on Translation  © 1991 by the University of Chicago University of Chicago Press edition 1991 Printed in the United States of America 09 08 07 6Read MoreImpact Of Marketing On Marketing Management9107 Words   |  37 Pagesthe data becomes available in the public domain or at least is known inside the particular app. Positioning the advertisements strategically into these apps based on the location, age, ethnicity, gender and preferences of people can increase the likelihood of a product being promoted be sold. Another factor that is of concern is to keep the promotion of products in line with the theme of the app. For instance, a cricket game app can be used for in-app advertisements of sports shoes but it is highlyRead MoreNew World Order in Conspiracy Theory13987 Words   |  56 Pagesprogressive  media watchdog  groups for not only mainstreaming the New World Order conspiracy theories of the  radical right  but possibly agitating its  lone wolves  into action.[21][22][23][24] In 2009, American film directors Luke Meyer and  Andrew Neel  released  New World Order, a critically-acclaimed documentary film which explores the world of conspiracy theorists, such as American radio host  Alex Jones, who are committed to exposing and vigorously opposing what they perceive to be an emerging New World OrderRead MoreConjoint Analysis in Marketing: New Developments with Implications for Research and Practice 13113 Words   |  53 Pagesof Marketing, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. V. Srinivasan is the Ernest C. Arbuckle Professor of Marketing and Management Science, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University. The authors thank four anonymous JM reviewers and the Editor for their comments on a previous version of the article. Conjoint analysis continues to be popular. Witdnk and Cattin (1989) estimate that about 4()0 commercial applications per year were carded out during the early 1980s. Some of the highlightsRead MoreMedia Law: Defamation, Copyright, Etc23627 Words   |  95 Pages[1944] AC 116. If a defamatory statement made of a class or group can reasonably be understood to refer to every member of it, each one has a cause of action. In Pryke v The Advertiser Newspapers Ltd (1984) 37 SASR 175, a Letter to the Editor published in The Advertiser criticised the conduct of proceedings by an Industrial Commissioner, without specifying by name which of the 4 Commissioners had been concerned. All 4 Commissioners succeeded on the basis that the letter was defamatoryRead MoreMedia Law: Defamation, Copyright, Etc23639 Words   |  95 PagesExpress [1944] AC 116. If a defamatory statement made of a class or group can reasonably be understood to refer to every member of it, each one has a cause of action. In Pryke v The Advertiser Newspapers Ltd (1984) 37 SASR 175, a Letter to the Editor published in The Advertiser criticised the conduct of proceedings by an Industrial Commissioner, without specifying by name which of the 4 Commissioners had been concerned. All 4 Commissioners succeeded on the basis that the letter was defamatoryRead MoreCrossing the Chasm76808 Words   |  308 Pagestrying to extend. The second is Jim Levine, my literary agent, the man who took a look at 200-odd pages of manuscript a year or so ago and allowed as how, although it wasn’t a book, it might have possibilities. And the third is Virginia Smith, my editor, who has been guiding me this past year through the bizarre intricacies of the book publishing business. There remains one last group of people to name, those who have been at the center of almost anything I have ever undertaken: my parents, GeorgeRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pagesof at first. For example, in the camping situation with Emilio and Juanita, you might have quickly agreed to let Emilio taste the water first to see whether it had Giardia. Perhaps only later would you have thought about the consequence of his becoming too sick to hike back out of the forest. Would you have been able to carry him back to safety? Faced with a question of what to do or believe, logical reasoners try to weigh the pros and cons if they have the time; they search around for reasons

Challenges of Big Data in Business Marketing-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Challenges of Big Data in Business Marketing. Answer: The term big data refers to the huge amounts of data (both structured as well as unstructured) which is used in business marketing and public relations on a daily basis. With the use of predictive and user behaviour analytics, big data allows businesses to extract and analyse data effectively for effective marketing. It is used to predict business strategies as well as better decision making in marketing (Katal et al. 2013). Big data analytics helps businesses to enable time reductions, cost reductions and optimized product development allowing the user to accomplish tasks related to marketing. For the past 30 years, businesses primarily used the traditional data systems to analyse data such as data warehouses and relational databases. This systems were designed to handle structured data which were organized in records using Structured Query Languages. The systems were capable of reading only 8k and 16k block sizes of data. As the programs were small, processing large volumes of data was inefficient. With the dawn of advanced analytics where statistical data was used for machine learning algorithms, the world of business marketing was introduced to predictive analytics. It is a section of advanced analytics which utilizes statistical techniques to make predictions about events which have not happened yet. Targeting advertisements, analysing behaviour of customers and flagging fraudulent transactions are some of the applications of predictive analytics (Hilbert and Martin 2015). Predictive analytics have gained momentum with big data using text analytics, classification mode ls and deep neural networking to analyse data. The concept of big data gained momentum when Doug Laney, the industry analyst articulated the concept of big data in the three Vs (volume, velocity and variety). Although most companies have the infrastructure to archive data, not many of them have the capacity to process the data due to the usage of conventional data storage systems (such as NAND storage systems). Every year, the volume of data increases substantially with new customers generating pictures and videos on a daily basis. As the sources of data increase, the volumes of data needs to be stored and analysed because these petabytes of data did not exist a decade ago. The need for distributed approach to querying and scalable storage is a challenge for IT structures. Although most companies have the infrastructure to archive data, not many of them have the capacity to process the data. For parallel processing architectures, certain databases are used such as Apache Hadoop and Greenplum for storing and analysing this massive amount of data. Hadoop was developed by Yahoo as an open source platform and utilizes the MapReduce approach that was pioneered by Google for compiling the search indexes. It distributes the data set among multiple servers (the map stage) and recombines the partial data (the reduce stage). The HDFS (distributed file system of Hadoop) is used to store data using multiple computer nodes (Katal et al. 2013). It involves loading data in the HDFS, using MapReduce operations and retrieving the data. Facebook uses the Hadoop infrastructure by storing its data in MySQL database. This data is then analysed to create recommendations based on the interests of the friends. Companies have used conventional batch processes to analyse data which is often slow and not based on real time analysis ("IBM Big Data And Analytics - Marketing And Sales: Industry Use Cases - Kenya" 2018). This works when the incoming data is slower than the processing rate and despite the delay, the data stays useful. With mobile and social applications, this process breaks down as the data streaming services occur in real time and the data stays useful only if the delay stays minimal. The data velocity is crucial as some level of analysis is required while the data is streaming. This is where the concept of big data analytics comes into consideration. Data variety is another aspect of big data. Over the past decade, data structure have evolved to add thousands of formats such as photo, audio, sensor data, documents, GPS data, PDFs and flash. The structure cannot be imposed like conventional analysis systems to keep control over the analysis. With the help of big data, companies such as Google uses smart phone sensor data to determine traffic conditions which was not possible a decade ago (Jin et al. 2015) Together the three Vs determine the analysis conditions and determine the data set which defines the main concept of big data. With the vast number of technologies in the market, enterprises harness their data with the help of a number of analytics tools that make up the big data ecosystem. The core of the ecosystem is handled by the infrastructural technologies. As the databases are getting more and more complex day by day with respect to its volume, velocity and variety, enterprises cannot relate on rational databases which captured data in mere tables and rows. Hadoop, MPP or Massively Parallel Processing Databases and NoSQL are some examples of infrastructural technologies. Unlike infrastructural technologies, analysis technologies are specifically geared towards analysing data such as Analytics Platform, Visualization platforms, Business Intelligence Platforms and Machine learning ("How Big Data Can Improve Manufacturing" 2018). Visualization platforms takes the raw data and presents it in a multidimensional visual format. Analytics and business intelligence platforms analyses data and presents it throu gh visualizations in a timely manner. The applications platform of big data takes the analysed data and presents it to end users in an optimised format. In the health sector, for example, neurosurgeons can check neurological information with the help of Mintlabs and offer diagnosis and treatment. Avansera is used in the retail sector for providing companies with the food purchasing variables (such as price flexibility). Big data analytics generates data from various sources such as streaming data, public sources and social media (Kaisler 2013). The data is often available in an unstructured format, hence proper analysis is required to make effective business decisions. As the volume of data increases, large companies struggle to find solutions to make this data useful for managing, storing and analysing it for utilization purposes. A survey conducted in 2011 states that over 55% of the organization projects that undertook big data analysis were left incomplete (Abawajy 2015). This survey was backed up by another survey which showed that most of the big data projects that were undertaken by big corporations were either incomplete or not successful. Several challenges need to be undertaken to make big data analysis optimal. The first challenge revolves around the storage of data. According to the Digital Universe Report, it is estimated that the amount of data that is stored by big IT corporations doubles every two years. The digital universe will grow from 130 Exabyte to over 40000 Exabyte (a factor of 300) from 2005 to 2020. This is approximately 5300 gigabytes per person in 2020. By 2020, the enterprises will have the responsibility for over 80% of the accessible information (Fan et al. 2014). Moreover, most of the data stays in an unstructured format which does not reside in databases. Examples of unstructured data are videos, audios and pictures which are very cumbersome to detect and analyse. The problem escalates when the data reserves combine the unstructured data from separate sources leading to errors. The challenges range from logic conflicts, inconsistent data, missing data and duplicates. To deal with this overwhelming challenge, companies resort in adopting several technologies and tools s uch as Hadoop, NoSQL databases and machine learning to go through huge amount of data. Other companies use EMC Isilcon (a clustered storage system) for better management of big data. For fast indexing, SSDs or Solid state drives can be used. Another solution is to use Cloud computing services and storage systems for storing big data. The inability to adopt different technologies poses as the second challenge for adopting big data in businesses. No matter what data is collected and stored for big data analysis, the appropriate tools and professionals should be selected properly for maximum efficiency. The ecosystem of big data analysis tools such as Hadoop is not easy to use and manage. Feedbacks should be taken seriously as it boosts engagement among the workers. The reasons for adopting the technologies and their prospective benefits should be clarified to the professionals carefully to mitigate this issue. While the tools are hailed for their ability to analyse massive volumes of data, the technology is still new and several professionals are not yet accustomed with it (Abawajy 2015). Moreover, the analysis tools require huge amounts of internal resources which make it difficult for the companies to justify using the tools instead of trying to solve the actual data problem. As the job is multidisciplinary, it i s important for data scientists to have varied skills. Another problem that is often faced by companies is the scarcity of data scientists to analyse the amount of data being produced (Fan et al. 2014). Many companies often overcome this problem by providing their own training resources and assigning the management team. The third challenge is based on the quality of data. As big companies employ data analysis tools for better decision making, efforts should be made to determine whether the data is accurate or not. Testing should be made a priority for ensuring the high reliance on data. Often companies get data from several sources which do not always agree with each other. For example, the numbers in the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and the sales figure of the ecommerce system might be different (Liebowitz and Jay 2013). Data governance is a process by which the records and data sources are made sure that they are accurate and secure. To oversee data governance challenges, certain policies and procedures are required. Companies can invest in data management to increase accuracy of data and simplify data governance. This process is often time consuming and requires expensive tools to prevent ill-advised decisions. The fourth challenge is a big concern for companies who endorse big data stores. Securing the complex volumes of data is necessary for ensuring that the data does not fall in the wrong hands. APTs or Advanced persistent threats and hacker attacks are common in companies with big data reserves. Most companies fail to understand that the measures they employ for making the data secure are not adequate. According to a survey by IDG, more than 40% of the people interviewed agreed that proper security measures (such as data encryption, data segregation and access control) were not ensured for the big data repositories (Fan et al. 2014). The tools that analyse the data collects information from various sources making it highly vulnerable to cyber-attacks. As more and more data are produced, the vulnerability risks increases simultaneously ("Tata Consultancy Services | Technology, Digital Solutions, Consulting" 2018). Moreover the data sources are often internal (such as marketing and finan ce) as well as external (social media data). Companies need to figure out a solution around this to make big data analytics safe and secure. The fifth challenge rises from organizational resistance. According to a survey conducted by NewVantage Partners, more than 85% of the surveyed individuals agreed that the companies are adopting a data driven culture and over 30% agreed that they had been successful in their attempts already. The surveyed people mentioned three obstacles primarily for adopting the cultural shift (Chen, CL Philip and Chun-Yang Zhang 2014). The first is organizational alignment that is insufficient. The second obstacle is the lack of understanding of the middle management teams. The third obstacle is the lack of understanding of the business procedures. To adopt big data in companies, strong leaders are necessary for understanding the possibilities of the opportunities that comes with big data. People familiar with the entertainment industry might know how Netflix used big data to ensure success of its TV series by predicting user behaviours. Since its debut in 2007, Netflix had six years to gather information for making its first original production (House of Cards) a sure-shot success. They created certain data points (called events) to analyse when a user watched shows, which devices they used, whether they re-watched any shows, searches and ratings ("Netflix United Kingdom Watch TV Programmes Online, Watch Films Online" 2018). These data was gathered by the data scientists to create certain insights that was utilized by Netflix to take informed decisions. Despite the challenges faced by it, big data makes sense for impacting the economic development. With the help of big data, companies can choose a suitable location for promoting their businesses. This is done by comparing demographics, information about labour force, consumer spending, GIS maps, talent pool data and industry data ("Intel: Tablet, 2 In 1, Laptop, Desktop, Smartphone, Server, Embedded" 2018). To make critical decisions, big data helps to give website users important data to search for locations. To prosper economically, time management is important. Going through huge amounts of data can be time consuming and overwhelming. To stay competitive, big data helps to offer reliable and up-to-date information in real time providing the data handler ample time to focus on other works. Big data also benefits stakeholders by providing the analysis of data in an organized and user-friendly format giving them an overview on how much investment they should make on a particular org anisation. Though there are several challenges ahead of big data, the technology needs to be given a chance it deserves. From training to recruitment and from budgeting to strategizing, big data comes with a number of challenges as well as possibilities. Just like internet, big data has the capability to change the world. There are several successful cases of big data that proves this otherwise and chances are that big data will be implemented by thousands of users with the growing number of unorganized data in the near future References Katal, Avita, Mohammad Wazid, and R. H. Goudar. "Big data: issues, challenges, tools and good practices." InContemporary Computing (IC3), 2013 Sixth International Conference on, pp. 404-409. IEEE, 2013. Kaisler, Stephen, Frank Armour, J. Alberto Espinosa, and William Money. "Big data: Issues and challenges moving forward." InSystem sciences (HICSS), 2013 46th Hawaii international conference on, pp. 995-1004. IEEE, 2013. Chen, CL Philip, and Chun-Yang Zhang. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Orchestra Star Wars Essay Example For Students

Orchestra Star Wars Essay The Phantom Menace music is used to enhance the mood of the film. All of the scenes in the movie had music to represent what was happening at that point. Gore example, Leitmotif is a term Which came from German opera to represent a character, place or idea being used in that clip. Also through composed is used in the movie Which is music that has common forward motion. Leitmotif is very influential on the movie because without it the movie would lack character. The character Dart Maul is a good example. Whenever he moms into the scene the music gets very tense and low pitched which makes the viewer think something bad is going to happen. The music helps show that he is a villain by playing very dark shady music. The music helps describe things without the use of words which is a very effective way of depicting Dart Maul and that he is a villain and going to cause trouble. Another seen that uses leitmotif is when Nanking Jaywalker is in the pod race. When they are racing the music is very fast and energetic to make things more up beat and fast paced to represent the race. Whenever there is a change is pace he music stays intone to what is happening. When Nanking is passing the first place pod the music is very tense and exiting this keeps the viewer on edge and uncertain on what will happen. When he wins the race the music is very up beat and celebratory. The music shows that it is a good point by playing a lot of happy feeling music The scene were Lima Ones dies has leitmotif also. When he is lying on the ground the music plays very slowly and sad. This represents a bad time and unhappiness. During this time it sis bad moment and the music plays into that. If there was fast paced jolly sounding music it would not make any sense and old be very confusing to the viewer. So to keep up with the vibe of the scene the composer chose to play slowly and quietly. The music in this movie has a huge role. If there was no music in this movie it wouldnt be close to as good as it is with the music. The music has a big role in any movie it is the best way to speak to an audience and express the mood. The tempo is used to represent whether it is a good or bad situation. If it is a good situation then it will be more up beat with a faster tempo. When it is a bad situation the tempo will be slower and more dramatic. Also the dynamics play a role as well. When it is good the dynamics will be higher notes with more sharps. When it is bad the dynamics will be lower notes with more flats. In an action part the notes are more articulated rather then being slurred together. Music can even be used as sound effects to represent things that are happening in the movie, If there is thunder or other bangs they can use drums or symbols to make the noise. Star wars uses these tools very well and that is why the music goes so well with the movie and the really shows vat is happening throughout the movie also.